Giving consent for the use of the name “Vojvodina”
Business entities, institutions and associations may use the name “Vojvodina” in their name (hereinafter referred to as: organisations) in such a manner that the use of the name “Vojvodina” does not question the reputation of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.
The Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities gives consent for the use of the name “Vojvodina” to organisations whose activities relate to the scope of work of the Secretariat and to other organisations if it is not possible to determine which competent authority is responsible for giving consent.
Request for Consent for Use of Name “Vojvodina“ is submitted to the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities. The request includes: Information on the applicant, rationale of the request and documents supporting the request. The request, with attachments, can be submitted in person at the Registry Office of the provincial authorities; by mail to the address 16 Mihajla Pupina Blvd., Novi Sad; by e-mail to: and
Issuing the decision is subject to the provincial administrative fee in the amount of 493.630,00 RSD.
- Drawing account number: 840-742231843-30;
- Model and reference number: 97 142230942701;
- Recipient: Budget of AP Vojvodina, Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities;
Purpose of payment: Issuing the decision
The use of the name “Vojvodina”, method of seeking consent and amount of the fee charged, shall be regulated by:
1. Decision on the Use of the Name “Vojvodina” (“Official Journal of the APV”, no. 10/05) (The document is currently available in the Serbian language only)
2. Provincial Assembly Decision on Provincial Administrative Fees (“Official Journal of the APV”, no. 40/19, 59/20-adjusted amounts in RSD, 45/21-adjusted amounts in RSD, 54/21- adjusted amounts in RSD and 52/22-adjusted amounts in RSD). (The document is currently available in the Serbian language only)
For all necessary information in regard to issuing consent for the use of the name “Vojvodina”, please contact Tatjana Stojanov, Senior Counsellor – Head of the Unit for Regulations (Office I/63, Tel: 487-4685, and Dijana Katona, Senior Counsellor - Head of Department for Regulations and Administrative Affairs (Office I/63 Tel: 487-4427,
Section for Regulations keeps records on the Consents for Use of Name “Vojvodina“ issued by the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities.