
Покрајински секретаријат за образовање, прописе, управу и националне мањине – националне заједнице

Division for Education

The Division for Education comprises two departments:
1. Department for education and legal affairs concerning education.
2. Department for inspection monitoring in the field of education.

The Department for education and legal affairs concerning education performs among others, the tasks of provincial administration in the field of pre-school, primary and secondary school education, student accommodation, as well as ensuring the right of minority national communities to an education in their mother tongue on the level of pre-school, primary and secondary school education. In addition to this, the department, in accord with the competent ministry, approves textbooks and other teaching materials for languages of national minorities and specific curricula for certain subjects of interest for national minorities and determines the terms and the manner of organising teaching activities in languages of national minorities. Along with the aforementioned tasks, the Department also performs tasks in the field of pre-school, primary and secondary school education concerning the decisions on verifying educational institutions on the territory of AP Vojvodina, gives or denies consent on the decisions pertaining to the election of school principles, appointing the acting principles of educational institutions in cases determined by law, gives and denies consent on the decision for the termination of tasks of school principals prior to the end of the term, proscribes the schools calendar, gives consent for the realisation of teaching activities and the curriculum in languages of national minorities for fewer than 15 students attending an educational institution on the territory of AP Vojvodina.

In the field of student accommodation, the Department, among other tasks, determines the network of student dorms and other institutions concerned with student accommodation on the territory of AP Vojvodina, establishes and closes other institutions concerned with student accommodation on the territory of AP Vojvodina, determines the conditions for the refunds to students for intercity transport, gives consent on the act stipulating the organisation and systematisation of jobs in institutions concerned with student accommodation, appoints and terminates the mandates of the managing and the monitoring board in institutions concerned with student accommodation, as well as appointing and terminating the mandate of the managers of institutions concerned with student accommodation.

In accordance with the aforementioned, the scope of the competency of the Department for education and legal affairs concerning education may be divided into the following fields:

• Field of pre-school education – please contact Tatjana Kuran (telephone number: 021/487-4819) and Györgyi Erdeg phone: 021/487-4867
• Field of primary education – please contact Merlida Konstatinović (telephone number: 021/487-4876)
• Field of secondary education and student accommodation – please contact Sonja Ćato, Head of the Education Section (telephone number: 021/487-4348)
• Field of education in languages of national minorities – please conta Györgyi Erdeg, phone: 021/487-4867; Peter Klimo and Jasna Jovanić, phone: 021/487 4452
• Field of the development of education (curriculum, text books) – please contact dr Vojin Jovančević (telephone number: 021/487-4035), a Györgyi Erde (telephone number: 021/487-4867), Peter Klimo and Jasna Jovanić, phone: 021/487 4452
• Field of legal affairs in the field of education – please contact Jelena Bjelobaba (telephone number: 021/487-4602), Biljana Vlahović (telephone number: 021/487-4502) (school calendar)

For questions in any field within the scope of work of this Department, please contact the Head of the Department for Education and Legal Affairs in the field of education – Danica Lučić, LLM, at the telephone number: 021/487-4451.

Department for inspection monitoring in the field of education

The competencies of the Department for inspection monitoring in the field of pre-school, primary and secondary school and student accommodation are as follows:
1. To point out, as a manner of prevention, the breach of law as well as the consequences of failing to abide laws, other regulations and by-laws;
2. To initiate changes and amendments to the laws and other regulations and to propose the harmonisation of acts of institutions with the law or other regulations;
3. To take part in the process of determining the fulfilment of terms for the start of the work of the institutions and the performance of the activities of the institutions;
4. To point out the illegality or the irregularity of general acts and to propose the abolition of the aforementioned to the institution responsible;
5. To start the process for the determination of constitutionality and legality of acts of institutions which are not in accordance with the law or other regulations;
6. To provide the annual report on inspection monitoring in institutions;
7. To perform the monitoring of the work of the institutions on the territory of AP Vojvodina, through the education system inspector, which includes:
• Performing direct monitoring over the institutions in a local self-government i.e. City that did not organise such monitoring;
• Providing the local self-government i.e. The city with instructions for performing the monitoring;
• Deciding upon the complaint against the first instance decision of the local self-government i.e. City administration, adopted during the monitoring;
• Directly monitoring the work of the local self-government i.e. City inspection services, issues the compulsory instructions about the law and other regulations and controlling their application;
• Revoking the authority of an inspector who does not perform the tasks assigned in a timely manner, in accordance with the law, professionally or diligently and proposing the determination of responsibility in the institution which was assigned to carry out the inspection;
• Organising joint activities with the inspectors assigned to perform the inspection;
• Collecting reports, data and notifications about conducting conferred tasks and performing other tasks in accordance with the law governing the overall process of inspection.
• Performs inspection monitoring and the monitoring of the legality of student accommodation institutions` activities

For questions in any field within the scope of work of this Department, please contact the Head of the Department for Inspection Control in the field of education, Goran Dragosavljević, at the telephone number: 487-4621 and the provincial education inspectors:

1. Svetlana Smiljanić: 021/487-4503;
2. Sonja Stojković: 021/487-4559;
3. Biljana Kovačević: 021/487-4503;
4. Ljiljana Zeljković: 021/487-4401;
5. Eva Tomić: 021/487-4565; (učenički standard);
6. Jelena Kujundžić: 021/487-4019;
7. Pap dr Žigmond: 021/487-4612;
8. Biljana Kašerić: 021/487-4131.
