186 million dinars for reconstruction of educational institutions in Vojvodina
Today, Vice-President of the Provincial Government, Provincial Secretary Ótott Róbert has awarded financing and co-financing agreements for reconstruction, adaptation, rehabilitation, investment and current maintenance of facilities of 34 preschool institutions, primary and secondary educational institutions in AP Vojvodina, worth 186 million dinars.
Out of that amount, 11.5 million dinars were earmarked for the renovation and maintenance of four preschool institutions, 122 million dinars for 20 primary schools, 45 million dinars for seven secondary schools, while 7.5 million dinars were allocated for rehabilitation works in three students’ dormitories.
“A total of 191 applications were received for this year's call, i.e. 130 applications within the field of primary education, 42 applications within the field of secondary education, eight applications within the field of student standard and eleven applications within the field of preschool education. The total amount of requested funds was almost 1.7 billion dinars, while only 186 million dinars were available. Bearing in mind that the total amount of funds requested in the call is almost ten times greater than the available framework, our plan is to continue financing the reconstruction, adaptation, rehabilitation of educational institution buildings in the forthcoming period as well.” - stated Vice-President of the Provincial Government, Provincial Secretary Ótott Róbert.
He also emphasised that the Provincial Government would continue to consistently support the improvement of education, in order for teachers, students and their parents in Vojvodina to have better opportunities and conditions in educational institutions.
“Our schools should be attractive to everyone. I want our children to go to school full of joy, to feel comfortable, safe and motivated to learn, and for teachers and parents to be satisfied with the conditions and support we provide.” -concluded Ótott Róbert.
The agreements were awarded by Vice-President of the Provincial Government, Provincial Secretary Ótott Róbert and Deputy Provincial Secretary Slađana Bursać, while the event was also attended by Deputy Secretary General of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Szakállas Zsolt, Undersecretary Mackó Zsuzsanna and Assistants Provincial Secretary Livia Korponai, Milica Vučićević and Slađana Jovetić.