
Покрајински секретаријат за образовање, прописе, управу и националне мањине – националне заједнице

Four more calls for proposals launched

The Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities launched the second round of calls for proposals in 2025, three in the field of education and one in the field of the exercise of national minority - national communities rights. Through these calls for proposals, a total of 390.5 million dinars have been allocated as follows:

1. 375 million dinars - for investment and current maintenance of educational institutions (247 million for primary schools, 90 million for secondary schools, 15 million for students’ dormitories and 23 million for preschool institutions), contact: 021/487- 42 68, 487-4614, 487-4036;

2. 3.5 million dinars for implementation of bilingual classes in primary and secondary schools, contact: 021/ 487 -4819;

3. 2 million dinars for the procurement of equipment for primary schools where formal primary adults education takes place, contact: 021/ 487 -4035;

4. 10 million dinars for improving the exercise of the right to official use of national minorities’ languages and scripts (multilingualism), contact: 021/487 -4677

The deadline for submitting applications for all calls for proposals is 7 March 2025.

Applications with the required documentation are to be submitted in person at the Records management office of the provincial authorities in Novi Sad (on the ground floor of the Provincial Government) or by mail to the following address:

Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration
and National Minorities - National Communities,
with the name of the call for proposals/programme and project.
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 16
21000 Novi Sad

Application template with annexes is available on the website of the Secretariat:

Potential beneficiaries are encouraged to apply.

More information on conditions for applying is available on our website in the section Calls for Proposals, as well as by calling the above-mentioned telephone numbers.
